Oracle DBA, How To, Error, Cause and Action

Oracle Database Shutdown Process (3/4)

Oracle Database Shutdown Process (1/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (2/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (3/4) [You are here]
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (4/4)


In my opinion this is
the most commonly use shutdown command. If this command is issued, Oracle will undo all active transactions, no new connection is allowed, all connected sessions will be disconnected and Oracle will start performing shutdown sequence.

1. We have connected session with active transaction.

2. When SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATE is issued, the connected session is disconnected, perform rollback (discarded) to all uncommitted changes and close database as write committed changes to datafiles and continue the rest of the sequence.

3. As result the connected session is lost connection.

The uncommitted record is discarded.

Oracle Database Shutdown Process (1/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (2/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (3/4) [You are here]
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (4/4)