Oracle Database Shutdown Process (2/4) [You are here]
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (3/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (4/4)
SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONALIf there are any other session is in progress of making changes (transactions), shutdown transactional will wait for sessions with active transactions to be completed before shutdown the database. After the transaction is complete the session will be disconnected. Once you issued SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL there will be no new transaction is allowed.
1. There is a session that try to insert a record in to round_table
INSERT INTO round_table VALUES ('A');
The user is not performing commit (to confirm change) or rollback (to undo change)
2. Database Administrator executing SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL
The SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL appear to be hang, because it waited for other session to complete the active transaction.
3. The active transaction is completed the transaction by issue COMMIT command.
When the all active transaction have been finalize (can be commit or rollback) the SHUTDOWN TRANSACTIONAL will continue the shutdown sequence.
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (1/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (2/4) [You are here]
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (3/4)
Oracle Database Shutdown Process (4/4)