- Monitor and restart Oracle GoldenGate processes.
- Issue threshold reports, for example when throughput slows down or when
- synchronization latency increases.
- Maintain trail files and logs.
- Allocate data storage space.
- Report errors and events.
- Receive and route requests from the user interface.
1. Go to GoldenGate Home and and run ggsci
$ cd /u01/app/oracle/gg_home $ ggsci Oracle GoldenGate Command Interpreter for Oracle Version OGGCORE_11. Linux, x64, 64bit (optimized), Oracle 11g on Apr 23 2012 08:32:14 Copyright (C) 1995, 2012, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. GGSCI (mypocbox) 1>
2. Issue following command to enter editor mode, to create mgr parameter file (if not exists)
GGSCI (mypocbox) 1> edit param mgr
All the parameter files will be with extension prm and will store in /gghome/dirprm
3. Following manager parameter can be set:
Manager parameters: General
- COMMENT | -- Allows insertion of comments in a parameter file.
- SYSLOG Filters the types of Oracle GoldenGate messages that are written to the system logs.
Manager parameters: Port management
- DYNAMICPORTLIST Specifies the ports that Manager can dynamically allocate.
- DYNAMICPORTREASSIGNDELAY Specifies a time to wait before assigning a port number that was previously assigned.
- PORT Establishes the TCP/IP port number on which Manager listens for requests.
Manager parameters: Process management
- AUTORESTART Specifies processes to be restarted by Manager after a failure.
- AUTOSTART Specifies processes to be started when Manager starts.
- BOOTDELAYMINUTES Determines how long after system boot time Manager delays until performing main processing activities. This parameter supports Windows.
- UPREPORT Determines how often process heartbeat messages are reported.
Manager parameters: Event management
- DOWNCRITICAL Reports processes that stopped gracefully or abnormally.
- DOWNREPORT Controls the frequency for reporting stopped processes.
- LAGCRITICAL Specifies a lag threshold that is considered critical and generates a warning to the error log.
- LAGINFO Specifies a lag threshold at which an informational message is reported to the error log.
- LAGREPORT Sets an interval for reporting lag time to the error log.
Manager parameters: Database login
- SOURCEDB Specifies a data source name as part of the login information.
- USERID Provides login information for Manager when it needs to access the database.
Manager parameters: Maintenance
- CHECKMINUTES Determines how often Manager cycles through maintenance activities.
- PURGEDDLHISTORY Purges rows from the Oracle DDL history table when they are no longer needed.
- PURGEMARKERHISTORY Purges Oracle marker table rows that are no longer needed.
- PURGEOLDEXTRACTS Purges trail data that is no longer needed.
- PURGEOLDTASKS Purges Extract and Replicat tasks after a specified period of time.
- STARTUPVALIDATIONDELAY[CSECS] Sets a delay time after which Manager checks that processes are still running after startup.
-- Manager listen to port 7809 -- Manager assigned port 8001, 8002 and 9500 to 9520 when needed by dynamic process PORT 7809 DYNAMICPORTLIST 8001, 8002, 9500–9520 -- Manager process will recycle trails that match the file name of -- /gg_homes/dirdat/aa* and /gg_home/dirdat/bb*. -- The Manager process can be configured to delete trail files after all processing -- by any Extracts and Replicats has completed (which is determined by the -- USECHECKPOINTS option). -- However, bb* trails -- will not be purged until there has been no -- activity for five days. PURGEOLDEXTRACTS /gg_home/dirdat/aa*, USECHECKPOINTS PURGEOLDEXTRACTS /gg_home/dirdat/bb*, USECHECKPOINTS, MINKEEPDAYS 5 -- Manager will automatically start any Extract and Replicat process at startup and -- will attempt to restart any Extract process that ABENDs after waiting two -- minutes, but only up to five attempts. AUTOSTART ER * AUTORESTART EXTRACT *, WAITMINUTES 2, RETRIES 5 -- The Manager will report lag information every hour, but only for processes that -- have three and five minutes of latency. The message will be flagged informational -- for lags of three minutes and critical for any process that has a lag greater -- than five minutes. Oracle GoldenGate Monitor can be set to watch for lag values -- that exceed any user-specified threshold, and then to send either an email to a -- group of users and/or an SNMP trap to a target. LAGREPORTHOURS 1 LAGINFOMINUTES 3 LAGCRITICALMINUTES 5
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