The Diag Trace is the path where the text base alert log file is store.
The Diag Alert is the path where the xml version of alert log file is store. This version can be read with Enterprise Manager and Oracle ADRCI utility.
Issue following command to show the ADR path architecture.
SELECT name, value FROM v$diag_info;
When you list the path you should able to locate your alert log file. Note the text base alert log file naming is alert_[SID].log
ls -l /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/edba01/edba01/trace/alert_edba01.log
ls -l /u01/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/edba01/edba01/alert/log.xml
The parameter file that tell Oracle where should the alert log file store is background_dump_dest, you can also query the parameter file by using following command
SHOW PARAMETER background_dump_dest
With Oracle 11g onwards I do not have to set the background_dump_dest parameter anymore as it going to follow the ADR architecture.
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